Desktop & Mobile App

Desktop & Mobile App

Tip: It’s important to set this up properly so you and your team will have the best experience using Alive5.

Install Desktop Shortcut

Alive5 uses your web browser's shortcut feature (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge) to create a Desktop Shortcut that functions like a Desktop App, instead of offering a downloadable Windows EXE or Mac DMG.

  1. Visit and click on the Client Login at the top right. Log in with your credentials.
  2. Once you’ve logged in, follow the instructions below to install your Desktop Shortcut.
  3. After the install, you won’t need to log in from your web browser, just click on the App Shortcut!

Mobile App Install


Apple iPhone / iOS

Receive chat requests and respond on the go with the Alive5 mobile app for Apple iPhone.

Google Android

Receive chat requests and respond on the go with the Alive5 mobile app for Google Play.